Thursday, August 14, 2014

Black Summer

When you don’t know what to wear, black is that loyal friend that always seems to have the answers, Chuck Taylors too.

I finally dared to wear this romper again after trying once before and having to change for fear of indecent exposure. It was a side boob, cleavage combination to shame some of today’s most provocative celebrities. What is the deal with pieces that are more like puzzles than clothing? Forcing you to become a seamstress in order to wear it and actually look like you’re wearing something. With the addition of a little bralette though, things came together.

I see so many great looks with girls in head scarves and I’m constantly saving them for inspiration but I never seem to get around to trying it. Now I know why. You’d think the turban thing would be perfect with my current hairstyle but it’s not as easy as it looks, at least not for me. Seriously, my arms grew sore from fatigue as I tried and tied til’ I almost died. So I’ll just simply rock mine headband style and continue to lust after all the savvy scarf scientists. 
I can’t believe summer is almost over, though in my triple digit degree town you’d never know it. In looking for just a few key pieces to refresh my closet a bit for fall, I found that Simons definitely has a great selection. I have a few obsessions already mounting, making me really excited for the upcoming season; though it’ll be summer here until at least October. Still, a girl can dream.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a summertime master piece��